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Cutie (1 - 18 months)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Conversation with 3-year old Cutie

My 37-month old Cutie is getting more imaginative and conversant in her language skills. Mummy overheard her interesting conversation with her Papa (father), can't help feeling amused with her imaginative story.

Here's a transcript of their conversation (see video below):

C: And my teacher says "잠깐만" [Korean language for "wait"]. And my teacher, I go to school, my teacher went off. And here show, with me. I tell "선생님" [Korean language for "teacher"], go here, go there, then go to the zoo and show. She says no, you got to go to your home.

F: Then what did you do?

C: Just go to the zoo.

F: (laugh) Your teacher asked you to go home and you just go to the zoo. What did you do in the zoo?

C: I saw a playground, then I play with my friend. And up there got see-saw. Then my 1 friend, my baby, my Meimei [haha, she's deciding which character to go into her story] cannot go, Meimei was crying.

F: She was crying, (yes), how did you take care of her?

C: It's ok, I tell her it's ok. You can come up yourself.

F: Did you help your Meimei?

C: Ya, I go down with her and fetch her penguin [that's Meimei's baby].

F: And then what happened to Meimei?

C: Meimei was crying for mama.

F: (laugh) Then what should you do?

C: Kiss ah.

F: Kiss Meimei?

C: Then Mama walk, walk, walk and mama says come friend, you can play outside next time. All of us go "terd, terd, terd, terd, terd, terd, terd"

F: "Terd, terd, terd, terd, terd, terd"? Go where?

C: Go home.

F: Go home. Did you enjoy, have a good time?

C: I have a camera, in the zoo. My teacher gives me my camera, my friend don't have a camera anymore. They have a pal of cats. (???)

F: Did you take a lot of pictures?

C: Didn't, just one picture of ... my 10 friends [she's been emphasizing to her daddy that she got 10 friends].

F: Oh, so nice of you.

C: I got a big camera.

F: How big?

C: It's very long.

F: Mm, very long. (laugh)

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