Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sweetie (1 - 18 months) [click x if cannot view]

Cutie (1 - 18 months)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

3-year old Cutie

Finally, my Cutie turns 3 today.

Can't believe I was so scared 3 years ago at the delivery suite, cos' I was so afraid of labour pain. Hee... that day I was still teaching in school tho' I was having regular interval of strong backache pain. Being a mummy for the 1st time, Mummy didn't know that it's actually one of the symptoms of labour and thus had endured the pain throughout the day until late at night when the backache pain was just too unbearable (haha... my threshold for pain is quite high as my Cutie was delivered about 4 hours later after admission in hospital.

The other day, saw a 2-month old baby at the nursery room. Many thots flashes thru' my mind, thinking of my Cutie and Sweetie when they are around that age and also marvel at how "big" they have grown now in comparison. It's so much easier to take care of them when they are at that age (hee... cos' they will only be sleeping and drinking milk at most times). I remembered then, I was looking forward to them walking on their own. So ironic.

Can't believe I have been a mother for 3 years already. Arrgh... guess I'm feeling old already.

Talking about my Cutie, she got a guitar for her birthday. She is very happy to have that cos' she's been longing to have one for a while. The other day, she was so imaginative to join the legs of the shoes rack together and strummed on it as if it were a guitar.

So you can imagine her joy when she got a "real" guitar of her own. Indeed, this guitar is quite real as the strings are similar to real ones and there's a special function in which the song will only play a note according to her strumming, ie. no sound when she stops and the song will flow according to her speed of strumming.

We had celebrated her birthday during a BBQ yesterday and got another cake to celebrate today with her (her actual birthday). Gee... sometimes I want to be in her shoes, so blessed with love and care.

Happy Birthday, darling.

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