Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sweetie (1 - 18 months) [click x if cannot view]

Cutie (1 - 18 months)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Fun in the Snow

It snowed earlier in the day, so Mummy brought my darlings out to have some fun before the snow disappeared. Haha... cos' the amount of snow here was so little that they will be gone once the afternoon sun shines.

We only managed to play with the little bit of snow found on the cars in the carpark. Tho' all we got were just a few small snowballs, it has been a fun experience for my darlings to play with snowballs for the 1st time.

See my Cutie throwing the "miserable" snowball on the floor, haha... will never get the chance to when back in Singapore. Mummy also had a great time chatting with a Taiwan friend (arrgh... gonna miss her when each of us returns to our country) while my darlings had fun playing with her kids.

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