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Sweetie (1 - 18 months) [click x if cannot view]

Cutie (1 - 18 months)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Chinese Idioms (成语接龙)

My Cutie learned this during the last year school holidays workshop and she can still remember.  She was recently into the soldier's stuff, so do look out for her salute at the end of the video.

三思而行 行之有效 笑逐颜开 开卷有益 意在笔先 先睹为快

快马加鞭 鞭长莫及 急中生智 智勇双全 全力以赴 赴汤蹈火
My Sweetie was somehow being influenced by her and has learnt to memorise the first half of the above too.

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