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Sweetie (1 - 18 months) [click x if cannot view]

Cutie (1 - 18 months)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Is it Mid Autumn?

Tomorrow is the Mid Autumn Festival. I did not buy any lanterns for Amanda (guess she’s too young to appreciate?). But next year, I will buy one each for her and Felicia. I will also get them to take a walk around the park downstairs with their lanterns. Guess it’ll be interesting then to see both of them having fun with their lanterns.

Though it is mid-autumn, the weather these few days, is extremely hot and humid. I have already thinned Amanda’s hair (cos' she has a lot of hair now), but my Cutie still perspires like nobody’s business. Bathed her 3 or more times everyday and she still complained "hot". So I decided to try tying her hair today. She looks so sweet with her new hairdo. It’s such a joy to see her having fun with the comb, hairbands and hairclips. Can’t help but feel it is so blessed to being a child. She also enjoys her new look in the mirror. Vain?? Well, it’s ok cos’ she will become a woman one day.

For Felicia, she is as sweet as ever. She really enjoys having people to talk to her and she loves to respond too. As for the sarong, it is simply marvelous. Whenever she is cranky, I just place her there and start the motorized rocker, she will fall asleep almost immediately. Really wonder who was the one invented the sarong. Of course, the biggest credit goes to the one inventing the motorized rocker, else I will have to stay next to her to rock the sarong. Actually, it is not a problem lah with a maid in the house (had almost forgotten I have a maid now). Anyway, kudos to these great inventors.

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