Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sweetie (1 - 18 months) [click x if cannot view]

Cutie (1 - 18 months)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

2-year old Cutie? (Part 2)

This Cutie is now an expert like mummy, hee... in peeling beansprouts and buying things.

Nowadays, I delicate the job of peeling the roots of the beansprout to my Cutie. All I need to do was just to take out the packet of beansprouts, a bowl and a paper box (for rubbish) and give them to my Cutie. I don't even need to monitor her cos' I know this Cutie will be busy at work.

Here's a video which I took on 22 June 2008. You can see she really did a good job, so you can imagine what an great expert she is now (after more than a month), gee...

In the video, I'm actually quite surprised when she told me to pat pat Meimei and let her be in charge of peeling the beansprouts herself [guess she wants to be in-charged of the task].

Whenever we buy things, this Cutie will take charge to hand the things and cash to the cashiers and give me back the change, without requiring me to accompany her to the counter. Mummy is really glad to see this Cutie gaining confidence and brave to handle the deal on her own (for those who do not know, my Cutie used to be quite shy with strangers).

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