Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sweetie (1 - 18 months) [click x if cannot view]

Cutie (1 - 18 months)

Friday, July 25, 2008

2-year old Cutie? (Part 3)

The other day, I tried to use my teeth to tear the tea satchet (arrgh, bet you have experienced opening a satchet and the tear failed, that's where our teeth comes handy hee...). This Cutie saw and told me "Mummy, don't eat the plastic" (referring to the satchet). Haha... had told her earlier that mummy is going to make a cup of tea, could she have thought that mummy is too hungry?

Went to VivoCity today and pointed to her the tram and the Sentosa island across. She recalled our visit there last month and started to talk as if she's the adult and I'm the baby, "We went there uh the other time, remember uh, Dora, Patrick was there, remember uh."[must read with a tint of cuteness especially the "uhhhh" ]. (During that time then, she had taken pictures with Dora and Patrick mascots at the Nickelodean's Day of Play.) When she said this, standing near her was a tourist (I think so) and he was in fact also quite amused by this little girl's speech.

Now, this Cutie is an expert at completing her jigsaw puzzle. See her complete them within 8 minutes. Uploaded into 2 parts in youtube. Click here.

She's also a master at counting now, hee... watch her here.

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