Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sweetie (1 - 18 months) [click x if cannot view]

Cutie (1 - 18 months)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Busy, busy week

The past week was fully packed with activities cos' it has been a long time since we have our family outing and also with daddy resuming work this week. Time just passed so quickly, that it's usually quite late when we went back home and we ended dozing on bed almost immediately. Nevertheless, it has been a fun-filled week with kite flying, hunting for playgroup for Cutie, car hunting, swimming, going to the zoo, and visiting relatives and friends.

From my observation, my Cutie enjoyed the swimming and the car hunt more while my Sweetie enjoyed swimming most (gee... cos' that's the only activity where she can participate other than sitting down or being carried??). This was their first visit to the swimming pool.

For me, I enjoyed the kite flying most. It's been ages since I last fly a kite and I'm surprised to be able to fly the kite so high (both daddy and mummy were initially on the verge of giving up as the kites always nose-dived to the ground). For daddy, I bet having bought a car was his greatest joy. Of course, we enjoyed all activities too.

At the car showroom, my Cutie was really excited to be able to "drive" a real car and she was like pleading and yelling when I told her it's time to go. I wonder when we got our car, will she hog the wheel and refuse to let go?

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